Monday, February 8, 2010

More on literary approaches

Here is a very good link for critical approaches: Criticism/Formalism

More reading group work today!


  1. Today in our group we talked about the role of characters in the novel and the importance of their actions. For example the suicide of Mr. Shimerdas and the almost rape of Antonia. We also talked about the symbolism of the Nesbraskan landscape and the relationship of the enviorment and the mind set of the characters.
    Group Leader: Merique

  2. Our group has come up with a pretty diverse collection of critical approaches. Ruby, Sage, Emily and Hannah will be using Feminist criticism. Because feminism is the theme of the book, we believe that it is the most popular and relevant idea. Tatiana and Fiona will be using psychoanalytical. They are using it because they believe that it is the most intriguing type of criticism. It focus more on the character and her thought process. Tati says "it's super duper interesting." Michael will be using Marxism. He is using it because it has a lot to do with social ideologies and hierarchies. Corinne will be using Historicism. She thinks the history behind the inequality is fascinating. I will be using post-colonialism. I think that her surroundings contribute greatly to the ideas of the story. The fact that she is surrounded by Creole women and their social customs is almost overwhelming to her. Meggers will be using reader response. She plans to use reader response because her reaction to The Awakening is multi-faceted and intriguing. She believes that the ability to use "I" through reader response will make her connection with the story more personal.

  3. Today our group decided what critical approach we were going to use for our paper : marxist , feminist , historicism , and psychoanalytic . We also looked at some of the plots in our novel , lastly looked at the practice essays in the back of our study guides.

  4. In the group today we discussed and analyzed book three of My Antonia. We also looked over the essay outlines provided in the packet, and started planning our own papers. Everyone for the most part worked independently but used each other as references for assistance. We plan to read all of book IV by tomorrow.

  5. Today we discussed more about the inside story of Ethan Frome. As well as starting to choose several short stories written by Edith Wharton to each choose seperately and read, and then hopefull either tomorrow or Friday reconnect as a group and discuss the similarities and differences within Wharton's style of writing. Whether it be a short story, or a wonderfully bland novel like Ethan Frome.
