Thursday, February 4, 2010

Group discussions

Please POST a summary of your group's discussion today. Group leader gets credit for the post.

*****Please post for credit a short response about the literary approach you can most identify with. Why do you like this approach? What is interesting about this way of looking at fiction, poetry, and prose?

I will use these posts to provide you with daily participation credit and more grades this marking period.


  1. I most identify with formalism as it applies to literature because when i read I often ask why something is written. Formalist criticism analyzes, interprets, and evaluates text. When i read i want to understand why a writer chose the words they chose and ordered them they way they did. I want to understand why a description of something that seemingly has no relevance to the current scene in the story is significant

  2. Today, our group discussed the themes and literary references in The Awakening. The backround information of the Creole Society helps the reader understand the Lebruns, and Madame Ratignolle's story and society expectations. The imagery, of birds and the ocean show a contrast of the life on the Isle and in the mainland. Just like how Edna discovered her freedom on the isle, and how much it differed from her life in the city, Chopin uses the imagery of the birds who are free on the Grand Isle, but caged once they reach the city, or civilized society.
